Deoband Community Wikimedia

Graphics Design Internship Call August 2024

Revision as of 11:30, 2 August 2024 by Aafi (talk | contribs) (some updates)

Be our Graphics Design intern for term September 2024-March 2025
This post is a draft and is subject to change without notice.

We are seeking a creative enthusiast to join our communications team as a graphics design intern for a seven-month period, from September 2024 to March 2025. Our graphics design internship offers you an opportunity to upskill your knowledge and learn together with our Communications Lead. As part of our team, you will be making a contribution to the global free knowledge movement. You will be receiving a stipend of 500 INR per graphic to appreciate the time invested in completing the tasks along with an intership certificate. Your role includes but is not limited to creating infographics, flyers, social media posts etcetera, for our events. The stipend is subject to change based on your performance and there are possibilities of an increment.

To apply, kindly email your graphics portfolio in a PDF format with the subject line "DCW Graphics Internship Application" to our Communications Lead at before August 15, 2024. The email body should address the following concerns:

  • Have you contributed to open knowledge movement previously?
  • What do you hope to learn from this internship?
  • How do you think about applying these learnings?
  • Your level of knowledge for tools required for graphics, such as Canva.

We will have shortlist candidates based on their portofiles, who will subsequently be required to make a graphic on promt by August 20. Our successful candidate will be informed by email in due time.

Requirements & Preferences
  • We accept applications from Indian nationals only.
  • We prefer female Muslim students.
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